The following is a list of Don Bisson’s education, spiritual direction experience and teaching experience. It is the framework upon which he has built his lifes work of helping and guiding others, and from which he has gathered the knowledge and wisdom that he shares in his workshops.
1993, June Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Menlo Park, CA; Master of Arts in Transpersonal Psychology; emphasis on Spiritual
1990, June Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA; Doctor of Ministry; Thesis: Spiritual Direction and Jungian Analytical Psychology.
1985, August University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Post Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Ministry; emphasis on Spiritual Direction.
1982, August Creighton University, Omaha, NB; Masters in Christian Spirituality; emphasis in Ignatian Spirituality/Spiritual Direction.
1977, August University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; Masters in Theology; emphasis on Liturgical Instruction/Spirituality.
1972, June Loyola University, Chicago, IL; Bachelor of Arts; Major in Theology.
2004-present Spiritual Director, Supervisor, Formator of directors and supervisors, National and International speaker on topics of Spirituality
and Jungian Psychology, Founder of the Center for Christian –Jungian Dialogue
2000-2004 Co-director of Formation of Spiritual Directors, Rhinebeck, N.Y. Workshop presenter, formation director, Director of Spirituality of
Work in Ossining, N.Y. Staff member of Formation of Retreat Directors. Supervisor, spiritual director, workshop presenter
1995-2000 Novice Director for the Marist Brothers. Instructor and workshop presenter at regional retreat centers, national and international
consultant in Religious Formation, Spirituality, Analytical Psychology, and Men's Spirituality. Formator of Spiritual Direction in
California and New York. Regional consultant for religious organizations in Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Australia, and throughout
the United States.
1993-1995 Full-time Staff, Mercy Center, Burlingame, CA; as below--plus outreach retreats and workshops in areas of Jungian-Christian
dialogue for schools, hospitals, churches and adult groups.
1989-1993 Adjunct Staff, Mercy Center, Burlingame, CA; program development in areas of Transpersonal Psychology and Male Spirituality,
including workshopts, retreats, dream work, spiritual direction; Supervisor, spiritual directors in formation: Director, Spiritual
Exercises; directed retreats days of prayer.
1982-1990 Spiritual Direction in a multi-cultural setting: African-American, Latino, Native American, Asian, and Anglo directees.
1981-1982 Completed degree in Spirituality in Omaha, Nebraska; thirty day retreat at the Romero Center for Spirituality and Justice, Detroit,
1982-1991 St. Elizabeth High School, Oakland, CA; teacher, Religion Department; Chairperson; Counselor; Retreat coordinator grades 9-12.
1980-1981 Malden Catholic High School, Malden, MA;
1977-1980 Marist Novitiate, Cold Spring, NY; Novice Director, Religious Formation Member of Provincial Formation team; Lecturer at
Internovitiate Program of the New York Region.
1978-1979 St. Agnes High School, Lawrence, MA; Teacher, Religion Department; Moderator, Liturgy Committee.
1973-1977 Central Catholic High School, Lawrence, MA; Teacher, Religion Department, Jr.-Sr. level; Pastoral counselor; Moderator, Apostolic
Program; Director, Four-year Retreat Program; Director, Inservice for Parents and Faculty; Chairperson, Religion Department.
1972-1973 Marist High School, Chicago IL; Teacher, Religion Department; Coordinator, Parent Religious Education Program; Moderator,
Christian Action Program; Director, Junior Retreats.